Hi Guigui!

Here a hello from Terhi!

How are you?

I’m trying to find out how this works…….

Hello Terhi!

I’m glad to share this experience with you.
I come from Argentina, and I lived 12 years in Barcelona. I’m back in Buenos Aires since last year.
I’m architect and I studied jewelry in La Massana school.
You can see some of my works at www.peudereina.org

Hola Terhi,
Me alegra compartir contigo esta experiencia.
Soy argentina, viví 12 años en Barcelona, y regresé a Buenos Aires el año pasado.
Soy arquitecta y estudié joyería en la escuela Massana de Barcelona.
Puedes ver algunos de mis trabajos en www.peudereina.org

guigui agosto 2009

guigui agosto 2009

Hi Guigui!

Hi Guigui,

Nice to meet you!

I come from Finland and have lived now 15 years in Amsterdam.

You can see my jewelry at www.terhitolvanen.com

I was looking at the website to see your works but was not able to get any bigger pictures. Would be really great if you could send me some photos.


Hi Terhi!

I have seen your work in your web, and I have the Koru catalogue! 

There is an error in the english version of the webpage, you can see larger pictures in the espanish version.

letter soup in square dish

letter soup in square dish

Back on line!

Hi there!

Hope you are doing fine. Had some problems with the internet connection….. but now I’m back on line!

Cool, I will have a look of your pictures on the spanish side!!

get back to you soon,



I saw your pieces now on the website. Se vende, does it mean for sale?

I would be curious to know how you started to make jewelry, as being architect? It is quite a different dicipline. And do you still work as architect?

greetings, Terhi

I like flowers!

spring flowers

Hi Guigui!

Your message is all empty…..?

I find it not so easy at all, the blog…..

Anyway about the photo, I think the garbage was there first and then they cut the flowerbush…..

To Terhi


Yes, “Se Vende” means “for sale”

I told you that I am an architect, but I feel more jeweller. When I founded the jewelry, I realized that it was the best way to “do” what happens inside of me, from A to Z!

The architecture has been appearing and disappearing, but 2 years ago, Matias was born, and now, I decided to devote myself to him and jewelry.

I send to you this picture of my new experiments.

Oh! I will travel to Barcelona in mid-October to late November, which is why I will be very loosely connected. If you travel to Barcelona, it would be great to have the opportunity to meet you.


Thanks for your mail.

I have a bit of the same experience as you with jewelry; it just feels right. I need to know -why- I’m making something. I believe everybody is responsible for the quality of what they make, there are so many products in this world that are useless in a lot of senses like functionality, esthetically etc…… With jewelry the never ending search of how to make a good piece somehow works….. It is challenging but also very rewarding to work on the quality; me as artist, the content of my work, the technical solutions…..

Me also I’m a  lot on the road in the near future. Hope that we manage to continue anyway….! It would be lovely to come to Barcelona, my dream since years, but I will be going to Finland beginning of November for the Koru3 seminar. At the same time I will see my family which is great! They all live in Finland, I’m the only one abroad.

Please send me again the photo of your work!

hi Terhi!, finally I can send you my eggsperiments

Guigui Kohon Serie Experimentos01 alowGuigui Kohon Serie Experimentos01c low

Hello Terhi!
I’ve been thinking about cities,

places that have marked me for any reason …

Here I am sending you a small list,

names that have appeared spinning memories.
I would be thrilled to send me your own list.

Maybe then we discover that despite not personally

know, somewhere, and in some strange way we have

agreed on a ride.

See you soon,


My cities:

Concepción del Uruguay/ Barcelona/ Buenos Aires/

Pueblo Cazés/ Jerusalen/ Munich/ Paysandú/ Colonia/

 Monevideo/ Masnou/ Mataró/ Paraná.


Sigo buscando pistas para nuestro viaje… Esas pisadas que pudimos haber coincidido.
Y me he puesto a pensar cuando me sentía una extranjera viviendo en España…raro, ya que en mi historia hay mucho de allí.
¿Qué  pasa cuando nos preguntan quiénes somos?, Y la típica pregunta que me hacían “Y tú de dónde eres?”.
Es tan fácil a veces rellenar esos formularios: nombre, dirección, nacionalidad… Y sin embargo, eso  que casi sin pensar rellenamos, que nos da el poder de ir, venir y estar en  dónde deseamos, sigue siendo un privilegio de pocos…

01a Guigui Kohon maleta modificada

Hi Terhi!
I Still seeking clues to our trip … Those footprints could have coincided.
And I began to think about when I was a foreigner living in Spain … weird, because in my story is far from there.
What happens when they ask us who we are, and the typical question that made me “And where are you from?”.
It’s so easy sometimes to fill these forms: name, address, nationality … And yet, that fill almost without thinking, which gives us the power to go, come and be where we want, it remains a privilege of the few …


Mesa de luz
No puedo dejar de pensar  en el viaje y en todo lo que nos acompaña.
(Esta encantadora señora pasa sus días en una plaza muy elegante de Buenos Aires).

mesita deluz

I can not stop thinking about the trip and everything that goes with us.
(This lovely lady spends her days in an elegant square of Buenos Aires).



Estoy  aprendiendo a reconocer que mi lugar es un no lugar,

y que la palabra hogar será la que yo construya con mis preguntas, que al final es sólo una: ¿Quién soy?

08a Guigui Kohon Impresiones  01 DSC_0344

Hi Terhi!

I’m learning to recognize that my place is nowhere,
and that the word home is the one I built with my questions, which ultimately is just one: Who am I?

08b Guigui Kohon Impresiones01 Detalle1  DSC_0344 01

08c Guigui Kohon Impresiones 01 Detalle2  DSC_0344

El oro y el barro

Hola Terhi!

Te envío el enlace de un artículo que salió aquí, sobre el grave problema ecológico que se produce debido a la minería a cielo abierto.

Este tema me tiene muy preocupada, si bien esto ya viene sucediendo desde hace tiempo, creo que mi vuelta al país me ha hecho verlo más de cerca.

Aquí podrás leer uno de los tantos casos de Argentina:


Hi Terhi! (gold and mud)

I send you the link of an article about  the serious environmental problem occurs due to open pit mining.
This topic has me very worried, but this is already happening for some time, think back to my country made me a closer look.

Here, you can read one of the many cases in Argentina:


some letters

Hi Terhi!
Estoy trabajando con todas las palabras-historias-ciudades donde he vivido (y sus rastros). Para ello he sacado mi juego de cucharas, reglas y todas las letras…




I’m working with all the words-stories-cities where I lived (and trails). For this game I got my spoons, rulers and all the letters …

And here is a triptych

Hi terhi!

Ya está terminado, aunque después de la alegría de haberlo hecho, me quedan las ganas de seguir haciendo más!

La pieza es una autoretrato, quice explicarte las historias-ciudades y rastros que me  han dejado las distintas ciudades en las que viví: Concepción del Uruguay, Buenos Aires y Barcelona.

Y he aquí un tríptico, en cuyo fondo están las letras, todo lo que  te hubiera querido contar de mí, (lo que dije y lo que escondí).

Toda esto ha sacado de mi memoria el espejo de tres cuerpos de la casa de mi infancia, donde jugaba a mirarme y verme desde  varios ángulos. ¿Será que hice algo así?

guigui kohon autoretrato

It’s finished, even after the joy of having done so, I’ve got the urge to keep doing more!
The piece is a self-portrait, I wanted to explain the cities- stories and traces, left by the various cities I lived: Concepcion del Uruguay, Buenos Aires and Barcelona.
And here is a triptych, in the bottom are the letters: all I wanted to tell about me, (what I said and what I hide).

All this have been taken from my memory; the three-body mirror of my childhood home, where I played to watch myself from different angles. Have I made something alike?

guigui kohon el espejo de mi infancia


I want to share this interview.
Thanks to Leda Daverio who held it in Buenos Aires.

El valor de la palabra

En esta entrevista Guigui Kohon habla, entre otras cosas, sobre “100/100 Basura d e Joyería” su nuevo trabajo en relación a la minería a cielo abierto, cuenta su experien cia en la cátedra de accesorios que comparte junto con Francisca Kweitel en la UBA, recuerda su paso por la Escuela de Artes y Oficios de Barcelona y opina sobre la actualidad de la joyería contemporánea argentina.

para seguir leyendo:
