“I left my country as an young adult. I will never totally fit in my new, self chosen country because I miss the important child part, the communal past. At the same time I realize that living for 20 years in another country, with an other language, another culture, has changed me so much that I cannot fit in my homeland either.”


Reading this I feel the same way as you.

I always have the feeling that I dont belong in any place (I call that placeless) or that I belong in all that  have lived in.(Placefull)

I feel sad and happy when I realized that I belong two diferent places and even when I get very nostalgic I feel richer for having experienced them

That also makes us better understand the world around us at a large scale

I would like you to help me with my piece, I need tecnical support when working with steel wich is what I want to use when constructing the espherical part of my piece?




“I left my country as an young adult. I will never totally fit in my new, self chosen country because I miss the important child part, the communal past. At the same time I realize that living for 20 years in another country, with an other language, another culture, has changed me so much that I cannot fit in my homeland either.”

Leyendo esto me siento del mismo modo que tu.

Siempre tengo la sensación o el sentimiento que no soy de ningún lugar y a la vez soy de  todos los lugares por los que he pasado a esto yo le  llamo placeless or placefull.

Siento felicidad y tristeza por los dos lugares a los que pertenezco y no pertenezco.

Y auque a veces me invade la nostalgía creo que soy mas rica al ser parte de dos lugares a la misma vez.

Eso tambien nos hace entender mejor el mundo que nos rodea en gran o menos escala

Me gustaria que me ayudaras con mi pieza como tecnicamente puedo hacer una pieza en acero? Me refiero a la parte mas esferica?



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