Damn Damn Damn or Wow Wow Wow (depending on how you look at it)

Hi Dani.

My work arrived with Valeria the other day and both pieces are broken (see image).  I thought I had packed it well and the box is still in good condition, so it is unbelievable that this has happened.  But I cannot help to think that this could be a good thing (hence the title of this post).  Maybe it all depends on how you look at it and given that we always have a choice, maybe it is wrong to immediately judge this has ‘bad’ or ‘unlucky’.  I have to admit that I am not happy with this incident yet because I feel annoyed (my workshop/kiln/stuff has been totally dismantled and I have thrown away years of materials/tools/things).  This work completed my cycle, it celebrated the end (or so I thought).


This incident also makes me think about the gold nugget in the block of coal.  Getting dirty represents the annoyance, irritation, negative thoughts, etc.  Now I will wait for the work to come back to me and then I will see what to do about it.  I will uncover the gold nugget, that is for sure, and I do believe that somehow this could be(come) a good thing, but that takes time.  I also see this as a cosmic joke, like the universe itself helped me to properly finish the work by snapping both pieces in two.  Things that make me go ‘hhhmmmmmm’.

I also read something interesting in a book yesterday:

‘Within each of us lies a solid gold treasure.  This golden essence is our spirit, pure and magnificent, open and glowing.  But this gold has been covered up by a hard shell of clay.  The clay comes from our fear.  It is our social mask: the face we show the world.  Unconcealing your shadow reveals your mask….’

On a different note, how are you?  How is everything?


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