Processing parallel forms

It is really nice to see your images work-in-progress. The forms and process of our works really do have something in common…

In what way do you see this parallelism influencing your work for the gray area?

I am getting my first pieces ready but I still didn’t have time to document them. They have something in common with Fragments and Human Patterns, with the same materials as well – resins, plexiglass, metal (silver) and rubber.
I see as well a link to your work in the way both, mine and yours, invite people’s input. I see your work reciprocrating their psychological process through direct action/interaction.
There is a tip of the subcouncious that is lift up and people get to see and feel something familiar but usually not by own initiative recalled.

Here I am attaching an image of the series Human Patterns for you to get an idea of a similar facet in my work for WGA.

Human Patterns, LH 2008

Human Patterns, LH 2008

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