Autumn and the colorful gray area…

I must agree with something that Helena Biermann once told me: one of the things that fascinate me of living in Europe, in a country farther from the Equator line than mine, is the change of seasons!… In Mexico we only have one season through the whole year (well, and the rainy season… which is just rain, but no real change of anything). Spring and Autumn are still a wonder to me. The fits little spring of green among the snow; the first yellowing leave abandoning its three; the firs minuscule flake of snow landing in the car’s windshield… those are all such joyful moments.

The Autumn has started in Holland. It is still not cold; it is still not gray (he,he) but the leaves have started their silent, almost imperceptible change. Look what I found:

Hoja de OtonoIt seems like the seasons collided in this tiny, little leaf…  like all of us colliding to make this a rather colorful Gray Area

Happy change of seasons to all!

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